And here we go again! Snowed in for the second time since winter started. Very unsual as they keep saying on the news . . . and we even had thunder and lightning last night! Tens of thousands of homes were without power across the region early this morning. Metro bus service has been suspended until further notice, while Metrorail trains are only servicing underground stations. Virtually all flights are canceled at D.C. area airports. Right now is almost 2 p.m. and we already have some 18 inches of snow accumulated . . . and it keeps falling! Around 8 a.m. this morning I saw outside my bedroom window how this guy was trying—in vain—to dig out his car, start it and leave. He gave up after almost 30 minutes. You can't see the car anymore . . . it disappeared into a white mound of snow! By the way, it was President Obama who called Snowmageddon this storm that has shut down Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas. News are certainly confusing when it comes to the total snow accumulation expected by the end of the day. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the official numbers are. The bad news is that we are expecting more snow on Tuesday . . . and I have a flight to take on Thursday! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and, hopefully, I'll be able to make it to Michigan for Valentine's Day!

"Snowmageddon" or Cabin Fever-Part 2
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